In this drill, we are working on having the Middle Blockers explode to the pins.
FOCUS: We are focusing on proper footwork, proper arms, and reading the setters/hitters.
Have two lines of pin hitters (outsides and right sides) and a Setter on one side, and then a Middle (and optional Passers) on the other side of the net.
There are a few ways you can run this drill…
- You can coach toss over the net to a DS who then passes the ball to the Setter.
- You can coach toss directly to the Setter and have passers on the other side of the net try to dig the attacks.
- I like to have my pin hitters switch sides after they hit.
- You could also have your hitters become passers after they hit if you want to turn this into a multi-skill drill.
Optional scoring:
There are many variations on how you can score this drill…
- Middle gets +2 points for any successful Block
- Middle gets +1 point for a touch
- If you are using passers, a Kill from the Hitters is +1 for the Hitters
- Any successful Dig from the passers is a wash (or -1 for Hitters)
- If the attack goes out untouched it is a wash
- Play to 7